
  • When will my order get shipped?


    We aim to ship all orders within 2 business days after you've placed your order. The amount of days it takes for your order to arrive varies from the chosen carrier and which country you live in. All orders are shipped from Belgium. National holidays can cause an additional delay.

    If your order contains products with release dates in the future (pre-orders), your order will be shipped on the date when the last pre-order is released. If you wish to get your products delivered sooner, we advise you to place multiple orders.

  • How much does shipping cost?



    • Bpost: €7, regardless of the weight
    • Pick-up Point (Bpost or DPD): €6, regardless of the weight

    The Netherlands

    • DPD:


    • DPD:


    • DPD:

    The Rest of the EU:


  • Where do you ship orders to?


    We ship worldwide.

    If you have difficulties while checking out or there's no shipping methods available for your country, do not hesitate to contact us. It might be possible that we need to configure or adjust something to make sure shipping to your country is made available.

Returns & Refunds

  • One or more of the items I ordered is damaged


    When you receive a parcel that was mishandled during transport it is possible that products you've ordered got damaged. We invited you to email us at hello@newsdistribution.be, as soon as possible after receiving the order, and include following information and pictures:

    • The order number concerning the parcel
    • Picture of the shipping label
    • Pictures of the parcel, both outside and inside (including additional packaging)
    • Picture(s) of the damaged item(s)


  • Why is the offer so limited?


    This webshop is a division of N.E.W.S. Distribution, which is aimed at professional customers such as record stores and other distributors. As a result, we exclusively offer products from our own catalog and those of our direct distribution partners. We do not collaborate with major distributors, which means you may not find a lot of widely popular titles from artists like Taylor Swift, Bruno Mars, or Billie Eilish in our selection.

    This webshop is aimed at private sales, but we only offer which is in stock for professional customers. We're not planning on expanding our offer to accomodate private individuals.