Pruillip is a new Belgian band founded by Louis Evrard (Bert Dockx Band, Grid Ravage, Ottla) and Annelies Van Dinter (Echo Beatty, Takh & Naga Ghost). Visceral meditation: that's what the self titled debut album of Pruillip is all about. Eight songs channeling elemental emotions, kickin' deep into the internal organs of the body.
Genre Pop
Release Date10/11/2023
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A1. Pruillip - Introduction
A2. Pruill ip - Place All Your Cards
A3. Pruillip - Boterham
A4. Pruillip - Distracte d Enthusiasm
B1. Pruillip - Zonnedauw
B2. Pruillip - Mirrors
B3. Pruill ip - Offload
B4. Pruillip - Ataraxia


Pruillip is a new Belgian band founded by Louis Evrard (Bert Dockx Band, G rid Ravage, Ottla) and Annelies Van Dinter (Echo Beatty, Takh & Naga Ghost). The duo started about 2 years ago after a request to play at De Nor, the open air s culpture park and venue of Dennis Tyfus. For this occasion Annelies and Louis de cided to do a position switch and play each other's instruments: Annelies beatin g the hell out of the drums and Louis ripping up the guitar.

Pruillip : the record

Visceral meditation: that's what the self titled debut a lbum of Pruillip is all about. Eight songs channeling elemental emotions, kickin ' deep into the internal organs of the body. Low end frequency swagger droning u p from Louis Evrard's amp, ready to slip into 'Place All Your Cards', slow burni ng sludge nugget, bolstered by the steady drum kicks of Annelies Van Dinter, whe re every note and strike seems to carry the weight of the world. Navigating thro ugh life, seducing you with her gloomy voice. Entering a quest into the unknown, a place you don't want to leave. A feeling increased by the abrasive and brutal 'Boterham': a punk sludge anthem for the hungry and the wild at heart, countere d with the reverb-shrouded murmur 'Distracted Enthusiasm'. The lonely 'Zonnedauw ' sets the mark of an apparently more resigned B-side, stretching the Pruillip u niverse with primitive, but so addictive, riffs in 'Mirrors', echoing vibes of 9 0's desert sessions while 'Offload' and the lucid state of Ataraxia seems to dri ft on raw emotions and a sweaty claustrophobic tension, which would fit perfectl y in Wim Wenders Paris Texas movie. A whirlwind of a record, straight to the bon e, leaving you flabbergasted and wanting for more.

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