Enchanting Ibizan institution La Torre continues its compilation series with Volumen Tres, an incredible fifteen track release that draws inspiration from the island's hedonistic history.
Genre House
Cat. noHLTR003
Release Date19/07/2019
StockIn stock


1 Bill Laswell & Jah Wobble - Alsema Dub< br>2 Nu Guinea - 'A Voce 'E Napule
3 Pacific Coliseum - Morning's At Made's4 Lambchop - Up With The People
5 Tamam Shud - Bali Waters
6 Satoshi & M akoto - Crepuscule Leger
7 Mac DeMarco - On The Level
8 Malcolm McLaren - Obatala
9 Tears for Fears - Head Over Heels (Sketches From An Island Sunrise Mediation)
10 Trance - Ambiente
11 The Advisory Circle - Sundial
12 Ric hard Torrance - Anything's Possible
13 Swing Out Sister - After Hours
14 M ark Barrott - Mokush?
15 John Stammers - Idle I'm (Colorama Coloured In Remix )


"The future is the past and the past is the future, but when the sun kisses the ocean... there is only now" Mark Barrott.

A secluded gem in Ibiza's now commercial landscape, La Torr e is located in Cap Negret, within the picturesque countryside of San Antonio. Nestled away, on a cliff that juts deep into the ocean, La Torre acts a mecca f or those seeking the original Ibiza experience.

Picturesque views of the magical Meditteranean sunset intertwine with true Balearic melodies, where l ike-minded strangers connect with bygone friends. Here is a location that offers an introspective experience, one that calms and soothes the soul of attendees w hilst recounting the Ibiza experience of old.

Volumen Tres is compile d by long term friends Pete Gooding and Mark Barrott. Veterans within the Ibizan landscape, the concept behind the compilation is to reflect the true beginnings of the islands heritage. A place of hedonistic discovery, it was in the 1980s t hat the likes of Paul Oakenfold made their way to the hidden Meditteranean locat ion. Bathed in an air of mystery and enchantment, institutions such as Pikes Hot el were a place of true personal freedom, often frequented by the late Fred die Mercury and enveloped in tales of opulence and indulgence.

This e thos and feeling is precisely what Volumen Tres represents. In this case, out wi th (most of) the new and in with the old, as the pure Balearic sound is voiced t hrough the selections of Mark Barrott and Pete Gooding. Old records merge with n ew boundary pushing productions, but all in-keeping with the theme of the true B alearic soundscape.

"These days, Balearic has become a bit of a catch -all term for the euphoric, poolside house tunes you can hear on YouTube channel s. But Barrott and Gooding are inspired by Balearic's defining feature set out b y its early DJs: its eclecticism. " The Guardian.

The compilation beg ins with Alsema Dub. The product of Bill Laswell & Jah Wobble 's liquid bass eth nicity, a cooing vocal is complimented by the pulse of trumpets as an ethereal s ynth runs in the background. Berlin based Neapolitan duo Nu Guinea create? ?'A Voce 'E Napule , an exotic funk-driven number, whilst Canadian native Pacifi c Coliseum creates the tropical, emotive Morning at Made's . American Alt Countr y icons Lambchop provide a feel-good yet bitter sweet anthem in Up with the Peop le , before psychedelic Australians Tamam Shud create Bali Waters , a masterpiec e from the cult surf movie 'Morning of the Earth'. Downtempo
talents Satosh i & Makoto produce the gently-moving Crepuscule Leger, whilst Mac DeMarco 's On The Level features soothing left of centre vocals and dream-like melodies.

The late English Punk Impressario Malcolm McLaren takes us on an intricate , Asian inspired journey with Obatala , before Mark's re-imagination of the clas sic Tears for Fears track Head Over Heels ratchets up the drama & bliss with it' s widescreen vista. Up next is Trance 's iconic Ambiente , released in Germany i n 1984, it marries Eastern Philosophy with Western electronics, before Eng lish hauntology talent The Advisory Circle forms a chillingly-beautiful masterpi ece with Sundial . American songwriter and composer Richard Torrance provides th e groove-laden, percussion-filled Anything's Possible , whilst Swing Out Sister' s classic After Hours transports us into the Twilight via it's 80's jazz refrain s. The penultimate track comes courtesy of Mark Barrott , who's Mokuso was inspi red by his adventures in rural Japan and Tokyo by night, paving the way for the final selection: Colorama's Coloured In Remix of poet & author John Stammers' Id le I'm . Moving, and wholly satisfying, the Londoner rounds off the compilation in style, as we are left pensive in a state of nostalgic musical reflection.

In compiling La Torre Ibiza - Volumen Tres, Mark Barrott and Pete Goodi ng create a sonic vision of paradise; a utopian declaration of freedom, one that conceptualises their intent through musical selections. Despite times ch anging, we are left frozen in a soundscape of sizeable proportion, whilst the he aling-like nature of the records administer a type of medicine that can not be f ound elsewhere. We listen, in the present, to the Ibizan soundscape of old, nurt ured and soothed in a Meditteranean bliss & beautifully re-framed for the modern world.