Genre Caribbean | Reggae | Dub
Cat. noKSLP078
Release Date14/10/2022
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Track 1 MY GOD IS REAL Track 2 REVOLUTION Track 3 POOR MAN TROUBLE Track 4 MONEY MAN SKANK Track 5 YAGA YAGA Track 6 THE BOOM Track 7 LEGGO VIOLENCE Track 8 GATHER THEM Track 9 BLACK MAN Tapper Zukie™s ˜Black Man™ album originally came out in 1978 as a Jamaican only release on Tapper™s™ Stars imprint. Long deleted it has become a classic in Mr Zukie™s vast cannon of musical biscuits and is well overdue this worldwide release for the first time. Tapper Zukie (b1956. David Sinclair, Kingston, Jamaica) was raised in the rough and tough West Kingston area of Jamaica, between the districts of Trench Town and Greenwich Farm. Living pretty much on the streets from an early age, the youths including the young Tapper had no choice but to fall into the hands of the Political Parties that controlled various ghetto areas of the town. Music seemed like the only way out of a life of crime and gang culture. A path that Tapper Zukie found by the mid 1970™s was establishing himself as a named star on the DJ Roots circuit. Back home in Jamaica he was also getting a name for his production work for other local singers such as Prince Allah and the group Knowledge. To release these productions and his own material in Jamaica, Tapper started up his own label called Stars. It™s this label that saw the initial release of this album šBlack Man›. A great collection of Tapper tunes such as his biblical cut šMy God Is Real›, šRevolution› and the tile track of this collection šBlack Man› and some work overs of some of his felloe Jamaican Artists like šPoor Man Problem› a work over of Johnny Clarke™s š Blood Dunza› and also Mr Clarke™s Leggo Violence›. šYaga Yaga› re working Horace Andy™s and Tapper™s big hit šNatty Dread ah She Want›. šGather Them› a reworking of Knowledge™s tune of the same name with the help from bands like Jah Wisdom and Delroy Fielding. A great collection of tunes and reworkings that we hope will find a wider audience with this release. For the CD issue of this release we had added Tapper™s šLiberation Struggle›, šGet Ready›, šProphesy› and šFire Bun› tracks from Tapper Zukie™s back catalogue that seem to sit well and follow the theme and meanings of the šBlack Man› album.
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