Musician/sound artist Mariske Broeckmeyer (MARIS) and author/poet Astrid Haerens found each other in their shared love of experimental music, improvisation and jazz.They discovered common ground in their artistic work, in their thinking, in their love for art and literature, and started a conversation that has not ceased.
Genre Jazz
Cat. noWERF243LP
Label W.E.R.F.
Artist MARIS
Release Date19/01/2024
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Musician/sound artist Mariske Broeckmeyer (MARIS) and author/poet Astrid Haerens found each other in their shared love of experimental music, improvisation and jazz. They discovered common ground in their artistic work, in their thinking, in their love for art and literature, and started a conversation that has not ceased.

They both make work that focuses on physicality, femininity and (the failure of) the voice, among other things. Their work revolves around the knowledge that a body carries, and how you can start fromthere instead of just the cerebral and analytical, aspects that are seen as predominantly masculine and often central to literature.

In 2022, the two worked together for the first time on their literary jazz project around the effects of power structures on a woman's body, bringing a breath of fresh air to the predominantly male jazz scene. MARIS and Astrid invited Jasmijn Lootens, a hybrid cellist who combines classical training with electronic music, to dive even deeper into the research and crossover between poetry, spoken word, performance, sound art and music together.
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